
  合理施肥 在秋大蒜生长期间,必须每15~20天根部施一次肥,以优质有机肥为主,每次每平方米蒜地施沤制腐熟的花生饼肥0.5~1千克,兑清水或沤制腐熟的人畜粪水10~15千克后淋施。同时,每10~15天叶面喷施一次800倍蔬菜专用型高美施有机腐殖酸活性液肥水溶液,均匀喷湿所有的叶片,以开始滴水为宜。
  及时供水 秋季种植大蒜,必须保证有充足的水分供应,土壤要保持湿润,除每天早、晚要各淋一次清水,每次每平方米淋8~10千克外。还要用干枯稻草或其它杂草将畦面覆盖住,草厚3~5厘米,以减少水分损失,保持土壤湿润。
  防治病虫 秋大蒜受叶斑病、炭疽病、蚜虫、红蜘蛛等为害严重,使叶尖黄化,必须每15~20天叶面喷洒一次1000倍乐斯本、800倍甲基托布津混合液,或25~30倍过磷酸钙与干燥纯净的草木灰混合浸出澄清液,或1500倍安绿宝,600倍敌克松混合液,喷湿叶片滴水为宜,消灭为害叶片的各种病虫。
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Abrasive Fiber Disc

The abrasive fiber disc specifications, size and grit are more, please contact the customer before taking the picture, and the confirmation shall prevail!

Features: This abrasive polishing fiber disc is also called fiber disc, grinding disc, high-speed grinding disc, etc.

An organic coated abrasive made of abrasive and high-strength rigid paper as the base material and bonded by synthetic resin.

Product features: The abrasive fiber disc is a sheet-shaped abrasive tool made of steel paper as the matrix, and the synthetic resin is used to consolidate the abrasive on the matrix.

Scope of application: Abrasive fiber disc can be used for rough processing of various complex surfaces made of metal materials, such as paint removal, rust removal, burr removal, and welding seam grinding. It is widely used in shipbuilding, aviation, locomotives, bridges and other industries.

It is mainly installed on electric: dynamic or pneumatic angle grinders to remove rust, deburr, paint, and polish welds on metal and various non-metallic materials, as well as grinding, smoothing, and polishing in mechanical repair work. , An ideal tool for scraping, and it is also widely used in corner polishing and carving in the furniture industry.

The related abrasive products we can supply is Flap Disc Adhesive , Abrasive Flap Disc , Abrasive Sanding Disc, Bonded Abrasives , and Abrasive Machine such as Flap Disc Making Machine, Abrasive Belt Making Machine, Flap Wheel Machine , Sanding Disc Machine, if you have any needs about abrasive tools, please kindly feel free to contact us.

Abrasive Fiber Disc 3Abrasive Fiber Disc 7Abrasive Fiber Disc 6

Abrasive Fiber Disc,115 fiber disc,Zirconia Fiber Disc,Silicon Carbide Fiber Disc,Abrasive Fiber Disk For Metal

Zhengzhou Jiading Abrasive Manufacturing Co.,Ltd , https://www.abrasive-jd.com