Early morning tomato virus disease

In recent years, early spring tomato virus disease is highly prone to occur, leading to a decline in tomato quality and affecting actual production efficiency. In order to reduce the occurrence of diseases. To reduce the damage caused by pests and diseases, the following causes, the symptoms, prevention and prevention measures of tomato virus disease are described as follows:

There are two reasons for the occurrence of viral diseases: First, spring aphids, whitefly and other pests occur in large numbers, and some viral diseases on wintering plants are transmitted to tomatoes. Second, the adverse environment such as high temperature and strong light and drought caused the plant resistance to be weakened and susceptible to viral diseases.

In actual production, attention should be paid to identifying specific symptoms for symptomatic medication. Tomato virus disease field symptoms mainly have 6 manifestations. Mosaic type: Yellow-green phase appears on the leaves, or dark green phase mottled, veins are transparent, leaves are shrunken, and plants are slightly shorter. Fern leaf type: The dwarf leaves of the plant are linear and the corolla is lengthened. Stripe type: It can occur on stems and leaves, with brownish spots or moiré on the leaves and dark brown patches on the stems. The buds on the top of the giant bud and the buds of the spider mites are linear or deformed, and the results are mostly deformed, or the fruit is conical and hard. Rolling leaf type: yellowing between veins, leaf curling, whole plant atrophy, or clumping more than flowering results. Yellow-top type: The top leaves are chlorotic or yellow, the leaves become smaller, the leaves are shrunk, and the branches are indefinite.

Prevention and control of tomato virus disease:

First, master the time and intensity of the release according to the weather conditions. Appropriately increase the amount of air release and extend the air release time. On a sunny morning, when the shed reaches 28 °C, the wind is released, and in the afternoon, it is as late as possible. The night temperature in the shed will be controlled at 13 °C.

The second is to cut off the path of viral disease transmission. Every 7 to 10 days, spray a liquid, imidacloprid and other systemic strong residual agents to kill aphids, white meal, etc., to prevent the spread of viral diseases.

The third is chemical control: in the early stage of tomato disease, it should be sprayed with phytopathology, virus A, anti-virus cockroaches, etc., spray once every 7 to 10 days, even spray 2 or 3 times. In combination with the above agents, plant growth regulators, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. should be sprayed reasonably to enhance plant resistance. (Li Yanqin)

From: Rural Volkswagen
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