Germany plans to use solar energy to produce clean fuel

Solar energy can be used to produce fuels such as hydrogen. This environmentally friendly renewable fuel can replace limited fossil fuels. Researchers at the German Aerospace Center currently plan to cooperate with research partners at home and abroad to improve the production of solar fuels. To this end, the Helmholtz Association of Germany invested 4.5 million euros to establish a new research institute for solar fuel.

Water can be divided into hydrogen and oxygen, and carbon dioxide can also be decomposed into carbon monoxide and oxygen, which can produce important fuels such as hydrogen, methanol, synthetic gasoline, or synthetic diesel from water and carbon dioxide. With the participation of scientists from the aerospace center, a process for producing hydrogen fuel using solar energy was successfully developed. On this basis, Germany will continue to study new materials that are more efficient and durable and integrate them into solar reactors. At the same time, the process can re-use carbon dioxide generated from other combustion processes such as coal and natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

However, new research also faces challenges. To obtain more hydrogen from certain solar energy, the key to success is to have strong and stable redox materials and efficient solar reactors. In this regard, experts in high-temperature materials and experienced researchers in the solar thermal collection process will work closely together to jointly develop and test the five-year project period.

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