Good effect of applying ammonium bicarbonate to wheat in early spring in dry season

Since the winter, most of the provinces and regions in northern China have experienced severe drought. In order to fight drought and protect the seedlings and make full use of water conservancy facilities, the majority of farmers have invested in wheat seedlings in the early spring. From February 10th to 13th, although most provinces and regions in the north ushered in snowfall, for the severe drought areas such as Hebei, Henan and Shandong that have not dropped a drop of rain or a few snowflakes for several months, Mao Xiaoxue is really a drop in the bucket. It is difficult to alleviate the drought and the drought situation is still severe. Therefore, the phenomenon of watering in early spring is quite common.
Recently, the author came to Weinan wheat area and found that many farmers still apply urea to the seedlings while watering the wheat. When the author asked why he did not use ammonium bicarbonate, an old farmer said: ammonium bicarbonate is more troublesome than urea fertilization. Therefore, in recent years, urea has been used for topdressing. As the author who has been engaged in the promotion of agricultural science and technology for many years, I have to patiently talk about the characteristics of urea and ammonium bicarbonate. The farmers feel that it makes sense, so they changed their minds and prepared to apply ammonium bicarbonate. To this end, the author reminds the majority of farmers: this spring, drought, early spring application of urea not only promotes wheat seedlings is not cost-effective, other seedlings at low temperatures to apply urea is not cost-effective.
Urea is the highest nitrogen content in solid nitrogen fertilizer, and it is suitable for all kinds of soils and various crops, especially for top dressing. The effect is good. Therefore, most farmers have used urea for topdressing since their own urea. However, the test proves that it is better to use urea bicarbonate under low temperature conditions than various kinds of seedlings. Why is this?
The farmer said well: "It is also a good idea to apply fertilizer. It is good for the right thing." It turns out that the crop can not be directly absorbed and utilized by urea. It can only be converted into ammonium carbonate under the action of urinary bacterial enzymes in the soil for root absorption. The rate of ammonium carbonate is highly dependent on soil temperature. The conversion can be completed in two or three days at a ground temperature of 30 ° C. It takes 4 to 5 days at 20 ° C, and 7 to 10 days at 10 ° C. The conversion speed is relatively slow at 10 ° C or less.
Wheat greening and topdressing are mainly for wheat fields with weak seedlings, insufficient population or de-fertilization. However, because the ground temperature of wheat is still below 10 °C when it returns to green, especially this year, in order to make full use of the wells and other water sources, some wheat fields are irrigated earlier, such as After urea is applied to the soil, urea is present in a molecular state before it is converted into ammonium nitrogen. It is difficult to be adsorbed by the soil colloid and is easily lost. Especially, the land with strong penetrability often loses due to the slow effect of fertilizer efficiency. . In contrast, ammonium bicarbonate seldom volatilizes at temperatures below 20 ° C. After application to the soil, ammonium ions are rapidly adsorbed by the soil colloid, and its adsorption capacity is 8 times that of urea. Therefore, it is not easy to lose with water. After trials, the application of ammonium bicarbonate in the early spring wheat field was about 1.3 times higher than that in the high temperature season.
From an economic point of view, the application of ammonium bicarbonate also saves money than urea. Urea has a nitrogen content of 46% and ammonium bicarbonate of 17%. In theory, the urea price should be 2.7 times the price of ammonium bicarbonate. However, in recent years, the actual price of urea in various places is generally between 3 and 3.8 times that of ammonium bicarbonate. So, it is not worthwhile to apply urea in early spring.
From this point of view, the early spring of wheat to apply ammonium bicarbonate saves money and the effect is good. Saving money means increasing income, and good results can produce high yields. Therefore, the farmers are reminded not only to use the ammonium bicarbonate for drought resistance in the early spring this year, but also to use the ammonium bicarbonate in the winter and spring season to feed the crops, and to leave the urea in the hot season.

Source: Shandong Science and Technology News
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