KCB-200 gear pump structural features: KCB-200 gear pump gear pump body, safety valve, shaft, shaft seal composed of the end. The gears are heat-treated to a higher hardness and strength and mounted with the shaft in a replaceable hub. The lubrication of all parts in the pump is automatically achieved using the output medium while the pump is in operation. Pump with safety valve as overload protection, safety valve full back pressure of 1.5 times the pump rated exclusion pressure, but also allows the discharge pressure within the scope of the actual need to be adjusted. But note that the safety valve can not be used for long-term work of the valve, if necessary, can be installed separately in the pipeline. From the spindle extension to the pump to see, clockwise rotation. The pump has a well-designed drain and return tank, the gear torque in the work to bear the smallest, so the bearing load, wear a small, high pump efficiency. KCB-200 gear pump applications: In the oil system can be used as transmission, booster pump; In the fuel system can be used as delivery, pressure, injection fuel pump; In all industrial areas, can be used for lubrication Oil pump.
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China Star Optics Technology Co.,Ltd. , https://www.opticsrealpoo.com