Model paint can basically be divided into three types: water-based paint (acrylic paint), oil-based paint (anthraquinone), oil-based paint (nitro-based) These three paints vary in nature, understand their characteristics, for lovers It is helpful to choose a model paint for painting when making models.
Water-based paint: also known as acrylic paint (ACRYLIC). Because it is water-soluble, it has low toxicity and can be used with peace of mind. The general model specification recommends the use of this series of paints, and the pen and spray gun can also be washed with water. This is a great advantage, and it is water resistant when the paint is completely dry. However, the drying speed is relatively slow, it takes at least three days to dry completely, the coating film is weak, but the uniformity is good, and it is suitable for the pen coating and also suitable for the spray gun. It should be noted that when not completely dry, do not touch it by hand. This type of paint is not suitable for use in areas with a humid climate. It is too wet and not easy to dry, so hand marks can easily leave marks.
Water-based paint solvent: Tamiya X-20A is a special solvent for water-based paint. When using water-based paint, the wash pen can be washed with water, but the paint can not be added, otherwise the drying time will become very long.
Oily paints (çç…) (ENAMEL): Drying time is the slowest in the model paints, but the uniformity is the best. Considering the climate problem, it is better to use such paints when painting large areas, and the oil paints The color rendering is quite good. In addition, since it does not erode the coating surface of water-based paint or dry paint, it is quite suitable for coating details and washing lines. As for the toxicity of oil paint is also small, you can rest assured that use.
Paint solvent: TAMIYA X20 is a solvent for oil paints (tanks). Because this solvent permeability is relatively high, the use of this property to perform the operation of the washing line has a considerable effect. However, avoiding too much solvent and allowing the solvent to invade the movable part of the model will result in embrittlement and deterioration of the model. And novice users must use caution.
Oil paint (nitro) (LACQUER). GUNZE's oil paints are sub-categories. Because of the use of high volatility solvents, it dries quickly and has a strong coating. It is the most common coating in model paints. However, because of the rapid drying, the slow-drying agent must be added to the pen-coating. Otherwise, pen marks may be easily left. The use of a spray gun does not have this problem, especially for other paints that require a considerable amount of time to dry. This type of paint is suitable for use, and the colors available on the market are the most. However, this paint is the most toxic.
Oil-based paint (nitro-based) Solvent: High volatility, flammable organic solvent. The model does not erode the plastic surface, but it is highly toxic and inhales harmful health for a long time. Therefore, ventilation is very important.
Paintability Comparison
Film strength nitro system>> çç…>> water-based paint
Drying speed nitro series >> Water-based paint >> çç…
Toxic nitro groups >> Apes >> Waterborne paints
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