In the cost of laying hens, the cost of feed accounts for more than 70%, and the negligence of the management of details such as feeding concept and environment, cages, etc., will inadvertently cause waste of feed. How to avoid the waste of feed in today’s chicken-raising It is vital to the profitability of chickens.
1. Sprinkle the feed when feeding by hand: This situation is more common in manual feeding of chicken farms, and it is often ignored by farms and breeders. Countermeasures: Improve the efficiency awareness of the owner and the breeder, and make the feeding skill proficient.
2, the feeding trough is unreasonable, the chicken sucks out the feed: in this case, the multi-feed trough is closely related to the quality and the trough installation, and the uneven feeding is caused. In view of this situation, it is necessary to adjust and improve the trough in time, and pay attention to the feeding. The thickness of the layer in the time slot is not more than 1/3 of its height.
3, the trough is broken and the feed is lost: When the breeder feeds the feed, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the trough is damaged or not, and timely renovation.
4, the chicken house temperature is not suitable, and increase the feed intake of the chicken : the different growth stages of the chicken, the required suitable temperature is different. For chickens in the laying period, if the temperature of the house is lower than 20 °C, it will consume more nutrients and waste the feed. Therefore, in spring, autumn and especially in winter, effective cold insulation measures should be taken to control the most suitable temperature. Improve feed conversion.
5, the chicken is constantly smashed or broken irrational: broken sputum can effectively prevent the chicken mouth from hooking out the feed, reduce feed waste, and can prevent licking the anus. Generally, the rats are broken at 7-10 days of age, and the chickens that are unreasonable for breakage should be repaired once before being basketed.
6. Do not eliminate the dead chickens in time: the defective chickens only eat the materials without production, waste the feed, and must eliminate the laying hens in time.
7. Parasites consume nutrients: the body's internal and external parasites such as chicken mites, thorns, mites, etc. consume a lot of nutrients to their bodies, which increases the feed intake of the birds, while the production performance increases little or decreases. . Therefore, it is necessary to deworm regularly to reduce the inefficient input of feed.
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