Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Announcement on Closing Downtime

August 5, 2010, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for 2010 ironmaking, steelmaking, coke, ferroalloy, calcium carbide, electrolytic aluminum, copper smelting, lead smelting, zinc smelting, cement, glass, paper, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, lemon Acid, leather, printing and dyeing, chemical fiber, and other 18 industrial sectors eliminated the list of enterprises with backward production capacity to be announced. The full text is as follows:

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Notice

Industry and Industry [2010] No. 111

In accordance with the “Notice of the State Council on Further Strengthening the Elimination of Obsolete Production Capacity” (Guo Fa [2010] No. 7) and the “State Council's Notice on Further Intensifying Work to Ensure the Implementation of the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Targets” (Guo Fa [2010] On the 12th) and the "Notice on Release of Targets and Tasks for Lagging Down Production Capacity in the Industrial Sector in 2010" (Ministry of Industry and Information Industry [2010] No. 251), as of now, all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities have eliminated the backward production capacity targets for the industrial sector in 2010. The decomposition was carried out to the enterprise and the list of companies that have eliminated backward production capacity was announced in the local media. Based on the announcement of elimination of the list of enterprises with backward production capacity in various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, iron or steelmaking, steelmaking, coke, ferroalloy, calcium carbide, electrolytic aluminum, copper smelting, lead smelting, zinc smelting, cement, glass, papermaking, etc. Alcohols, monosodium glutamate, citric acid, tanning, printing and dyeing and chemical fiber industries will be announced in the list of companies that have eliminated backward production capacity (see the attachment). The relevant parties should take effective measures to ensure that the backward production capacity of listed companies is shut down before the end of September 2010.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

August 5, 2010

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