New progress in the study of the volatility of black carbon particles in Guangzhou Geochemistry

Volatility is an important physical property of the particles, which can reflect the aging process of the particles to some extent. Black carbon is the second only to the CO2 heating factor, which can influence the cloud formation process, change the melting point of ice and snow cover, and so play an important role in the climate system. The freshly-discharged black carbon particles generally exist in a state of being mixed with other substances, and during the aging process, they form an internal mixing mode with the secondary aerosol. The mixed state has an important influence on the optical properties of black carbon. When the black carbon particles are surrounded by the secondary aerosol, their light absorption performance may be greatly enhanced. However, at present, there are few studies on the volatility of different types of black carbon particles.

Recently, the Bi Xinhui research team of the State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made new progress in the study of the volatility of black carbon particles. The research team divided the black carbon particles into four categories based on single-particle aerosol mass spectrometry information and studied their volatility at room temperature, 75oC, 150oC, and 300oC temperatures. It was found that the four types of black carbon particles have different volatility, one of which may be that the black carbon particles emitted by diesel vehicles are very volatile, almost all of the secondary aerosols are volatilized at 300°C, and the ECOC's mixed particles volatilize. The worst sex. This is mainly because different types of black carbon particles form different secondary aerosol compositions during aging. In hazy weather, the volatility of black carbon particles decreased, mainly due to the formation of more volatile materials in the sky. This research has been accepted and published by the Atmospheric Environment (2015, 118, 194-202). The research results lay a foundation for the further study of the optical properties of different types of black carbon particles and the model's prediction of its climatic effects.

The study was funded by the pilot project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Guangdong Provincial Leading Talent Project.

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