New technology for saving pesticides

Low-volume spray technology: refers to the constant application of the unit area, the pesticide stock solution is slightly diluted, the water consumption is equivalent to 1/5 - 1/10 of the conventional spray technology. This technology improves work efficiency and is widely used in greenhouses and mountains.
Electrostatic spray technology: The method of applying high-pressure electrostatic generating device to spray the droplets, the deposition amount of the liquid droplets on the surface of the blade is significantly increased, and the effective utilization rate of the pesticide can be increased to 90%.
Pelletizing and applying technology: For the water-soluble agent used in paddy fields, the pelletizing application technique can be used. The pellet can be evenly spread in the farmland, the work efficiency is increased by a dozen times, and there is no pesticide drift. Contaminated adjacent crops.
Circulating spray technology: redesigning the conventional spray equipment, adding a drug recovery device on the opposite side of the spray component, collecting the liquid on the undeposited target plant and pumping it back into the liquid tank for recycling. Improve the effective utilization of pesticides.
Roller smear technology: It is mainly used for the internal absorption of herbicides. The liquid is oozing from the surface of the medicine roller through a medicine roller (a smear overflowing with a foam material capable of absorbing the liquid medicine), and only needs to be contacted. The leaves on the upper part of the weed can work. This method can almost completely apply the agent to the surface of the target plant without causing the liquid to spill and drip.
Application of computer technology: The computer control system has been used in the United States for orchard sprayers. The system determines the shape of the fruit tree by ultrasonic sensors. The computer control system automatically adjusts the pesticide spray characteristics according to the shape of the fruit tree. This technology greatly improves the effective utilization of pesticides and represents the direction of pesticide use technology.
The above technologies can greatly reduce the amount of pesticides, can save 50% to 95% of pesticides, and can greatly reduce or substantially eliminate the possibility of pesticides spraying onto non-target plants, thereby significantly reducing environmental pollution.

Diamond Grinding Wheel

Of the several methods now used for fixing super abrasive particles of diamond or CBN to the working surface of an abrasive tool, electroplating is the fastest growing.More and more production operations involve combinations of hard-to-grind materials and complex wheel shapes that virtually dictate the use of electroplated super-abrasive tools.
Characteristically,such tools consist of a precision tool form or mandrel with super-abrasive particles deposited on the working surface and locked in place by electrode position of a bonding matrix,most frequently nickel.The particles are so locked onto the tool surface may vary in size and dispersion to suit the purpose of the tool, but they should lie in a single layer.
Electroplated grinding wheels with nickel bonding can achieve high stock removal rates and high-precision profiles on parts being ground. Depending on the wheel blank design,plating technique, and post-treatment of the single-layer grit structure, many different grinding wheels can be produced using this bond system.There is no need for dressing during the life of the wheel.This avoids downtime and eliminates the need for a dressing device.
When you need to remove more material than polishing will allow,use quality grinding wheels.Diamond grinding wheels are used for grinding, shaping,flattening or smoothing of your specific application of stone.The Diamond Tool Store offers a full line of diamond grinding and shaping wheels for many applications that come in many different sizes with desired grits and positions.The product line you will see for grinding tools will reduce the amount of chipping and special shapes and sizes that allow fabricators to get into tight corners for a clean,smooth finish.

Our electroplated grinding wheel are precision engineered to meet the high demands of lapidary,jewelry,gemstone,glass,ceramic,composite,electrical contacts of starters,alternators, motors applications.We offer many stock wheels with varying shapes and grits that will maintain tight tolerances and provide superior form holding when used wet or dry.

Metal Bond Grinding Wheels and Diamond Sintered Grinding Wheel are manufactured using a variety of metal fillers with Diamond or CBN abrasive. Generally, Metal Bond wheels have the hardest matrix, and require coolant.

Diamond CBN Superabrasive Grinding Wheels are available in a variety of sizes and styles, both plain and formed to specific contours. These grinding wheels are designed primarily for grinding such materials as: high carbon; high chrome; high speed steels, such as M2, M3, M7 and T15; die steels, such as: D2, D3, HB, A & O; alloy steels (harder than 50 Rc); nickel and cobalt base super alloys; titanium; stainless steels, etc.offer substantial benefits in grinding exotic alloy steels. Since the CBN crystal resists dulling much better than conventional abrasives, it provides stress-free, cool cutting action throughout its long life. The crystal tends to be self-sharpening as cutting stress increases. The mono-layer wheel structure requires no truing or dressing throughout its life, thereby eliminating truing tool cost as well as non-productive wheel truing time.In addition to this,we also provide the lapidary polishing wheels.

Diamond Grinding Wheels, Lapidary Grinding Wheels, Diamond Grinding Wheel, Diamond Flat Wheel, Diamond Spherical Grinding Wheel, Diamond Textured Wheel, Diamond Profile Wheel, Diamond Engraving Wheel

Hans Super Abrasive Diamond Tool Co.,Ltd ,