Spring decoration to control humidity selection of the main material

As the saying goes, "One year's plan is spring." Decoration is no exception, and many people say that spring is a good time for home decoration. But why is it so? Take a look at how the interior decoration industry responds.

Spring temperature and humidity are conducive to renovation construction


"Spring is usually the peak season for decoration." According to the home decoration designer Mr. Yang, the temperature and humidity in the spring are very moderate. The wood products and gypsum products used in the decoration are not easily deformed and cracked after completion. The mortar and cement paste the tile, due to the appropriate temperature and humidity, but also not easy to lose the label, the tile will be more firmly paste.

It will not affect the construction quality but also shorten the construction period

Each staircase is still designed

“Spring is the most suitable season for decoration”, according to reports, the climatic conditions in the spring are conducive to control the moisture content of wood materials below 13%. If the moisture content of general wood exceeds this standard, the change of thermal expansion and contraction will be very obvious, which will affect the construction quality. For example, in the summer, the door is easy to loosen and crack in the winter; and the winter door is not on the rainy season. In spring, the weather is warm and the windows can be opened for ventilation. The coating can be volatilized quickly. The general construction period can be shortened by three to six days compared to the summer construction.

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