Teach you how to use Shi Tianbu correctly

Pendimethalin Pendimethalin (Pendimethalin)

[Processing dosage form] 33% emulsifiable concentrate

[Medication] Soil clay and organic matter have an adsorption effect on the application of the field. Therefore, the dosage should be determined according to the soil texture and organic matter content. When the soil organic matter is less than 1.5%, the sandy soil is supplemented with 33% per hectare with a field application of 4.0 liters. 5.0 liters for loamy soil and 5.0 to 6.0 liters for clay soil; 4.0 to 5.0 liters for sandy soil, 5.0 to 6.0 liters for loamy soil, and 6.0 liters for clay soil.

[Usage period] Before or after sowing, the soil is treated before or after sowing. The optimum application period is before the weeds are germinated, and the seedlings should be applied within 3 days after sowing.

[Targets for control] 稗草, 光头稗, foxtail, golden foxtail, crabgrass, bluegrass, maiden, rattail, maiden, teff, genus, eucalyptus, locust, oxen, arm Grasses, Shaped Sand Grass, Amaranth, Poria, Poria, Rumex, Willow Hedgehog, Rolling Stem, Dragonfly, Stirrup, Kochia, Purslane, Anti-Fork, Owl, Dragon Clawed Mao.

[Usage technology] Shi Tian Bu Quan Tian application or seedling can be applied. The spray volume is 300-500 liters per hectare for the knapsack sprayer, 200 liters for the tractor sprayer, and 40 to 50 liters for the aircraft. The soil moisture is good with low amount, and the soil moisture is used with a large amount of liquid spray. Dosing before seeding should be applied with sowing, and the application time and sowing time should not be too long. After application, the soil can be avoided by rotating the shallow soil, which can avoid wind erosion and obtain stable drug effect under drought conditions. Sowing soybeans can also be incubated with 2 cm of soil after application to prevent the medicine from being blown away by the wind.

[Mixed] Shitianbu and Atrazine are mixed. Sandy soil is supplemented with 33% Shitian supplement 4.0L plus 38% Atrazine suspension 2.5L per hectare, and 5.0L plus 38% Atrazine suspension for loam soil. 3.0 liters, 6.0 liters for sticky soil plus 3.7 liters of 38% atrazine suspension.

Shitianbu is mixed with the herbicide, and the dosage is 33% per hectare, 5.0 to 6.0 liters per side, and 48% to 48%.

It is a selective systemic localized soil treatment agent. The agent is absorbed by the shoots, young stems and roots of the plant, inhibiting the cell division of the shoots and secondary root meristems, thereby hindering the growth of weed seedlings and dying. The application of the crops is not only for many monocotyledonous weeds and annual sedges such as crickets. Grass, crabgrass, goosegrass, thousand gold, foxtail, broken rice sedge, etc., and the broad-leaved weeds such as scorpion, purslane, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, mother-in-law Nano, pork chop and so on are equally effective, and are one of the most herbicides in the current herbicides. As a pre-emergence dryland herbicide, Shitianbu has high safety for most crops. The main reason is that the soil has strong adsorption, is not easy to be leached, and has little mobility in the soil. Shi Tianbu's applicable crops include vegetables, cotton, corn, peanuts, soybeans, etc., with a duration of 45-60 days. After application, the weed damage of the whole growth period of the crop can be solved. Shitianbu can be used before sowing, pre-emergence or pre-planting, or mixed with various herbicides to improve the herbicidal effect.

PVC Foam Board

Shandong Yiyuantong International Trade Co., Ltd. , https://www.yytplywoods.com