Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
The continuous high temperature and low rainfall in Shanxi Province caused the drought to spread in Shanxi, and the drought in the central part was serious. In the next two days, there is no precipitation in the north central part of Shanxi Province, and there is a high temperature of more than 35 °C in the local area. The drought is spreading and aggravating. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
According to the Shanxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory forecast: July 27th, the province is cloudy with cloudy days, and there are high temperature above 35°C in parts of the north central part; on July 28th, the whole province is cloudy with cloudy days, and the north central part and the southern part have 35°C or more. High temperature weather; July 29th, the province is cloudy with cloudy days, local thunderstorms in the north, 35°C and above in the north, 37°C and above in the south and south, and cloudy and sunny in the whole province on July 30th. There were thunderstorms in the area, and there were hot and humid temperatures above 35 °C in parts of the north and south-central parts. On July 31, the province was cloudy with cloudy days and the temperature continued to be high. On August 1st, the province was cloudy with cloudy days. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
In the coming week, Shanxi Province has basically no precipitation process, and it continues to have hot and humid weather. In most areas, soil moisture will continue to decline, and the drought will continue to spread and aggravate. At present, most of the autumn crops in Shanxi Province have entered the stage of flowering and fruiting. It is recommended that all areas be well managed in crop fields, timely irrigation in conditional areas, and active drought prevention. Maize should pay attention to prevent "ka neck drought", cotton pay attention to cultivating and weeding, and pruning topping , follow the flower and bell fertilizer, increase the peach rate, and strengthen the control of cotton aphid and cotton bollworm. At the same time, all localities must do a good job in the defense of severe convective weather such as local heavy rain and hail to ensure the safety of agricultural production. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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CPF-10 wall-mounted Chlorine Dioxide Generator is a new type of mini Chlorine Dioxide Generating System with capacity of chlorine dioxide 10 g/hr, which is suitable for secondary water supply, hotel and the situations that need small capacity of chlorine dioxide. It has functions of flow rate/ residual chlorine dioxide on-line control, linkage running with water pump, giving low liquid level alarm of raw materials, remote start / stop control and uploading the working states and alarm signals; and giving acoustic and optical failure alarm etc.
*Related Products:mini chlorine dioxide generator ,mini chemical clo2 generation system.
Mini compact chlorine dioxide generator
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