U.S. Military Base Adopts New Energy Saving and Emission Reduction to Promote Sustainable Development

US military base adopts new energy sources to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable development

Solar facility located at the military base in Bliss, Texas, USA. (From The New York Times)

In order to achieve the sustainable development of the U.S. military, in recent years, the federal government has invested about 1 million U.S. dollars in the military base in Blissberg, and China launched a "zero plan" operation. These renewable energy and sustainable engineering projects are expected to From this year onwards, the army is gradually supplied with energy. (1 USD is about 6.29 yuan)

The New York Times stated that the largest military base in the US, the Brestsburg, Texas, has made tremendous efforts in reducing energy use and reducing waste. Solar panels have been seen everywhere in the country. Not only that, the Fort Hood military base in central Texas has also carried out related work. For the military, the high costs associated with low-carbon technologies are still the challenges that they have to face.

The Fort Hood military base plans to achieve zero waste by 2020. Base Public Affairs Director Brian. Brian Dosa pointed out that if the force's landfill rate can be reduced from the current 50% to 10%, the expected goal can be achieved, but this is not an easy task. He said: "To reduce the quantity of garbage, we need to rely more on changes in individual behavior than technological breakthroughs and applications." The site should not only consider how to increase the recycling rate of waste, but also reduce excessive packaging and encourage the use of items. Reuse.

By contrast, plans for the base in Bleisburg are more extensive, including energy, water, and waste. In spite of the ever-increasing size of the base, the Blacksburg Regulations must reach the target before 2018. Since the first armored division of the base will return from Germany, the total number of its soldiers will surge to 30,000, and the use of electricity will increase by about 60% accordingly. Therefore, promoting solar energy is the best choice for Blacksburg.

The area of ​​the new solar power plant at the Base of Bliss is twice that of the current one, and it is expected to be put into use by the end of this year, when the base's solar power generation will increase by about 1%. However, relying on solar energy alone has not yet reached the "zero plan" goal. Tomlinson, director of the Renewable Energy and Sustainable Engineering Program at the Blisssburg site, said that they are considering the introduction of a range of new technologies including wind power, geothermal wells and waste decomposition.

How to achieve the goal of water saving is a challenge that Blizzard faces. Elbaso, where the base is located, is the most arid region in Texas. Last year, the average annual precipitation was only 12.5 centimeters. According to Tomlinson, although the cost of equipment is high and the water price is relatively low, the base still installed low-flow rain showers and other facilities on the soldiers' camps. In addition, more than a dozen sprinklers on the camp lawn water the lawn every day at 10:00 am, during which time the sun shines the most and the water evaporates fastest, so the force is considering changing the timing of the irrigation and plans to introduce it in the base. water. However, these transformations will require at least $17 million in investment and take years to complete.

For the Fort Hood military base, the realization of low carbon means that there is a need to make major changes to the base. Dossa said: “Three to four years ago, there was only one meter. At that time, people didn’t care about how much electricity was used.” Now, basically every building on the base is equipped with electricity meters, and each group’s electricity bill is also Will be sent to the headquarters for discussion.

Last month, the Fort Hood site launched a solar project with a capacity of 1 megawatt at a cost of 3 million U.S. dollars. However, the troops did not pay any fees for this. Instead, they were paid by a private company and later passed the electricity fee. The reduction comes to recover these funds. (禾月)

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