YJLV aluminum core cable spot installation considerations

Installation Considerations power cables YJLV aluminum cable shelf installation considerations <br> holding distance when <br> 2m cable installation with parallel heat pipes, the cross should be kept 0.5m.

When the cable is installed parallel or crosswise to other pipes, it must maintain a distance of 0.5m.

When the cable is directly buried, the depth of 1-35KV cable buried directly is not less than 0.7m.

10KV and below cables installed in parallel, the mutual distance of not less than 0.1m, 10-35KV not less than 0.25m; cross-mounted distance of not less than 0.5m.

Cable laying temperature not lower than 0 °C, bending radius: multi-core cable ≥ 15 (D + d), single-core cable ≥ 20 (D + d), (D is the cable diameter, d is the conductor outer diameter).

6KV and above cable connectors:

1 When installing cable terminations, the semiconductor shielding layer must be stripped and the insulation must not be damaged during operation. The uneven marks should be avoided. Sanding should be used if necessary. The shielding ends should be smooth and the graphite layer (carbon) must be removed. Grain) Clean.

2 The copper tape shield and the steel file must be well grounded for the plastic insulated cable end. This principle should be followed for the short circuit, to avoid induced electromotive force at the end of the steel crucible during the three-phase unbalanced operation, even accidents such as “flashing” and burning the sheath. . Grounding leads require the use of my tinned braided copper wire, and the use of ferrochrome tin soldered connections with the copper cable, not suitable for torch welding, so as not to burn insulation.

3 The three-phase copper belt shields shall be connected to the ground wire separately. Note that the shield grounding wire and the steel wire grounding wire shall be led out separately and insulated from each other. The position of the welding ground wire shall be as low as possible.

The basic requirements for cable ends and intermediate joints: a. good conductor connection; b. reliable insulation, recommended radiation cross-linked heat-shrinkable silicone rubber insulation material; c. good sealing; d. adequate mechanical strength, can adapt Various operating conditions.

The cable ends must be protected against corrosion by water and other corrosive materials to prevent breakdown due to deterioration of the insulating layer caused by water trees.

The cable must be loaded and unloaded by cranes or forklifts. It must not be transported horizontally and laid flat. When installing large cables, the cable car must be used to prevent the cables from being damaged by external forces or being scratched by manual dragging.

If the cable cannot be laid in time for some reason, it should be stored in a dry place to prevent sunlight from exposing it to the sun and water from the end of the cable.

Note: The installation personnel of wire and cable should be familiar with the performance of wire and cable installation personnel or full-time technicians. If there are still unclear matters, please consult the relevant technical department or the technical department of our factory.

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