NSK bearing is one of the imported bearings. In the normal operation process, how to properly lubricate NSK bearings is also an important part of bearing maintenance and maintenance.
1. NSK bearing oil bath is smooth
Smooth oil bath is the most common smooth way in NSK bearings, suitable for the smoothness of low and medium speed bearings. The NSK bearing is partially immersed in the groove, the smooth oil is brought up by the rotating bearing part, and then flows back to the oil groove oil surface should be slightly lower than the center of the lowest rolling element.
2. NSK bearing smooth oil drop
Smooth drip is suitable for NSK bearing parts that need to be supplied quantitatively to smooth oil. It is advisable to drop a single drop every 3-8 seconds. Excessive oil quantity will cause the bearing temperature to increase.
3. NSK bearing's circulating oil is smooth
The oil is pumped to the NSK bearing component by an oil pump, and then filtered and cooled by the smooth oil after the bearing. Because the circulating oil can take away a certain amount of heat and cool the bearing, this method is used for bearing parts with higher rotational speed.
4. NSK bearing spray is smooth
The boring shrinking air is mixed with the smooth oil through the sprayer to cause oil mist. In the NSK bearing, the air flow can effectively cool the bearing and avoid the intrusion of impurities. This method is suitable for the smoothness of high speed and low temperature bearing components.
5. NSK bearing radiation is smooth
The low pressure oil is injected into the NSK bearing through the nozzle by the oil pump, and the oil injected into the bearing flows into the oil groove through the other end of the bearing. When the bearing rotates at high speed, the rolling element and the cage also cause the air around the air to flow at a relatively high rotational speed. It is difficult to send the smooth oil to the bearing in a smooth manner. In this case, it is necessary to spray the smooth oil with low-pressure radiation. In the bearing, the position of the nozzle should be placed between the inner ring and the center of the cage.
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