In the early autumn (from mid-August to late September), the base fertilizer is the second growth (fruit stage) or the third (sapling stage) growth of the roots of the fruit trees. The root regeneration ability is strong, and the roots with a diameter of 1 cm or less are fertilized. After 20 days, new roots can be emitted to absorb soil nutrients and water, which is conducive to the safe wintering of fruit trees.
In early autumn, the temperature is suitable, the soil moisture is large, the microbial activity is strong, the fertilizer is decomposed and decomposed quickly, the mineralization degree is high, and it is easily absorbed by the roots, especially for spring flowering and fruit setting in the spring of the next year.
In the early autumn, the autumn shoots of fruit trees have basically stopped. After applying the base fertilizer, the quick-acting part can be absorbed and utilized by the roots, which not only enhances the function of the leaves, but also stores most of the photosynthetic products in the trees, enriching the tissues and flower buds, which is beneficial to Fruit trees are safe for winter. At the same time, in the spring of the next year, the fruit trees sprouted early, the leaves were fast, the leaves were large and thick, the photosynthesis ability was strong, and the nutrient exchange period was not obvious, which was conducive to fruit tree flowering, fruit setting and flower bud differentiation. The late-acting part of the base fertilizer is partially converted into nutrients that can be absorbed by the roots of the fruit trees after the autumn, winter and spring seasons. It can exert fertilizer effect in spring, which is conducive to fruit tree flowering, fruit setting and spring shoot growth.
Practice has proved that the effect of applying base fertilizer in early autumn is obvious. The flowering period can be advanced two days, 1-2 flowers account for 98%, flowering is concentrated, easy to pollinate, the fruit setting rate is as high as 73.2%, and the fruiting rate of base fertilizer in late autumn is only 24.7%.
Chemical Industry Mass Flow Meter
Sealand is a professional supplier of Chemical Mass Flow Meter, Chemical Mass Flowmeter, Chemical Flowmeter, Chemical Flow Meter, Chemical Coriolis Meter, ATEX, IECEx & CE approved.
The meter can work with a pulse receiver(Count). The connection is as follows. The resistance value is up to the cable length & the max. input pulse frequency of receiver. Current 10mA is suitable for most receivers; however, you can reduce the resistance value when the cable is long. The max. current could be 50mA. Please use the fixed frequency output function to check if the cable length & resistance value is suitable.
Please check following items before operation, and operate according to relevant rules.
a) If the meter is damaged during shipment and installation;
b) If the voltage is same as marked on nameplate;
c) If the fuse is correct;
d) If the meter is grounded properly.
e) If the Meter SN on the nameplate of sensor and transmitter are the same.
If everything is fine, please open all valves, make the pipeline full of liquid and then power on
the meter for warm-up for 20min before operation. Finally, conduct zero calibration after first
start, and shall do it again if the meter is moved to another site.
Preparation for zero calibration:
a) Power on the meter for approximately 20min for warm-up;
b) Run the process fluid through the sensor until the sensor temperature reaches the normal
process operating temperature.
c) Close the shutoff valve downstream from the sensor.
d) Ensure that the sensor is filled with fluid and the process flow has completely stopped.
Chemical Mass Flow Meter, Chemical Mass Flowmeter, Chemical Flowmeter, Chemical Flow Meter, Chemical Coriolis Meter
Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. ,