Face the challenge of making the world trust
Jonathan Moreno (Professor of Medical Ethics, History and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania)
Whether China can successfully reverse the brain drain, especially the return of talents in frontier areas such as stem cell research, will not only depend on the government's impressive human capital (such as young scientists) and material conditions (such as laboratories). investment. Although China's centralized system has an indisputable advantage, transparency is still oxygen that can make science efficient.
Even before Google and the Chinese government broke out this round of war, I recently found out on the university campus in Beijing that it is difficult to browse some seemingly harmless online content (such as the scientific research requirements of the United States).
In a highly competitive and suspicious circle of global life scientists, China has to develop into a trustworthy role and face more challenges. China's investment in basic research lags far behind efforts in producing clinical applications. Chinese private medical centers provide suspicious stem cells to desperate patients, and there is insufficient supervision in this area.
But there is no denying that China is becoming an increasingly important player in the field of regenerative medicine. A recent analysis by the University of Toronto in Canada showed that Chinese scientists published 20 years of academic papers on stem cells in 2000. Chinese laboratories have developed at least 25 human embryonic stem cell lines, possibly as many as 70. An example of stem cell research is a microcosm of China's advances in biology. According to a recent report by the National Science Foundation, China’s papers in biomedical research have ranked second in the world. The reason why the United States is still in the lead is partly because China has decided to focus its current focus on the chemical industry, but the long-term trend has to be noticed.
Can the quantitative advantage turn into a quality advantage?
John Gogh (former professor of Harvard Business School, author of "America is an Innovative Country")
If China wants to make continuous progress in science and technology, it depends on its ability to turn its quantitative advantage into a quality advantage.
I call the initiative that China is currently pursuing a “violent†strategy. It has established many new higher education institutions, which has produced a considerable number of scientists and engineers. The subtext seems to be that the quantitative advantage will be automatically converted into high quality; in other words, after the talent reserve reaches a certain amount, world-class research results will be well-understood.
But if China wants to gain a quality advantage, it must also acquire the skills to nurture talent and support creative culture. The central plan, the quota system for patents and publications, is still a product of the industrial age and cannot adapt to the needs of an innovative economy. In addition, whether China can establish a complete innovation system and link its growing strength in science and technology with entrepreneurs, design and social innovation is crucial to the realization of the value of scientific and technological achievements.
At the same time, China is constantly building its own talent engine, and there will be more and more talents returning to China. However, under the existing system in China, how to integrate local talents and foreign talents will be a difficult point in whether quantitative advantages can be transformed into quality advantages.
Chinese scientists' research is limited
Xiao Gang (Chinese scientist, director of the Center for Nanoscience and Soft Matter Research, Brown University, USA)
China's advantage lies in having a central government that strongly supports research and development, and the disadvantages are at the local level.
Once China determines that these goals are necessary in the future, it will certainly be achieved. The central government is fully adaptable as long as new ideas and practices are deemed necessary. As long as it feels necessary, China is extremely efficient in allocating resources and implementing effective policies.
But in fact there are many obstacles. In the research community established by qualifications and interpersonal relationships, the returnees will encounter cultural shocks in the face of the already existing level of strictness. Subjective factors tend to overwhelm objective criteria in internal and local assessment procedures, in resource allocation and funding applications. At the local government and university level, there may be delays in providing the necessary services, support, and fulfilling research funding commitments. After returning to various setbacks, it is difficult for the returnees to make up their minds and look forward to it.
To create a research environment conducive to discovery and innovation, modern research facilities and money are not enough. Scholars need to be able to think independently, form a cooperative network without intervention, and be free to distribute and access information. For scientists, the Internet is one of the most productive tools. Although the Chinese government has no intention to prevent access to network information based on scientific research, the lack of comprehensive Internet services will limit the research work of Chinese scientists.
Why do most Americans want to return to China?
Vivek Wadwa (Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Studies, Duke University, USA)
When I started participating in the Master of Engineering Management program at Duke University in 2005, almost all Chinese students who were facing graduation told me that they plan to stay in the US for at least a few years. Most people want the United States to be their new home. Statistics from the National Science Foundation also show that the proportion of Chinese who have received doctoral degrees in the United States has been hovering at a high of 90% in the past 20 years.
Now when I talk to my Chinese students, I find that most of them will only buy one-way tickets when they return home. In October 2008, my research team conducted a survey at Duke University, the University of California at Berkeley, and Harvard University. It was found that only 10% of Chinese students want permanent residency in the United States, and 52% of respondents believe that The best job opportunities are in China, and up to 74% of respondents are most optimistic about the prospects of the Chinese economy.
While the Chinese economy is booming, the US Senate has had a hysterical anti-immigrant sentiment (new legislation has proposed to restrict foreigners' visas), and it is no wonder that Chinese students will choose to return to China.
If you visit a research laboratory of a Chinese multinational company and meet with local entrepreneurs, you will find that many senior positions are controlled by returnees. They brought back valuable knowledge about Western markets and valuable experience in developing innovative technologies. Moreover, they will also tell friends who are still in the United States, how good it is to return to China.
In 2008, we conducted another survey to understand the status of 637 returnees after returning home. 72% of respondents said they are better able to play their part. The proportion of executive positions also rose from 9% in the US to 36%. Up to 77% of respondents said they valued the opportunity to stay with their family and friends after returning home.
But not everything makes the returnees feel comfortable: they will complain about environmental pollution, not adapting to domestic culture, children's educational conditions are not as good as they are, bureaucratic style, and poor quality of medical care, which will bring them frustration.
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