The development trend of stoves and kitchen utensils industry

The development of information technology has brought opportunities and challenges to enterprises. In terms of opportunities, information technology helps optimize business processes, reduce management costs, and gain an edge in competition. And those companies that cannot use information technology to improve processes are clearly at a disadvantage in the competition.

The product structure evolves in the direction of aesthetics, fashion, environmental protection and low energy consumption. Low value-added products must continue to withstand the impact of domestic industry and deeper competition.

The circulation channel is brewing changes. With the rise of the home appliance chain industry in recent years, it has become an important channel for the current home appliance industry sales. However, due to the high entry and operating costs of home appliance chain stores, manufacturers are looking for other ways, such as entering the building materials city and the kitchen. Exhibition hall, etc.

In the future, the competition in the kitchenware market will become more intense, and the entire industry will be in the stage of reshuffling. However, most companies are small and difficult. The lucrative profits have led some large home appliance companies to start to grab the kitchen and bathroom market, so that competition will be rapidly upgraded nationwide. In particular, many multinational companies have brought back the advantages of technology, brand and marketing, making the competition of domestic kitchen utensils more intense.

With the rapid and steady growth of China's national economy, the housing needs of urban residents have undergone major changes, which have played a greater role in the development of related industries, including the kitchenware industry. At the same time, the vast rural market needs to be developed, coupled with the demand for replacement of urban residents, the demand for kitchen utensils will maintain a steady growth momentum.

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