One saying goes like this: Described the mountain is high and dangerous, one person took a pass and ten thousand people could not enter. Its source is Li Bai's "Difficulties in Exhorting Roads" (excerpt): "The swords and gongs and the Cui Wei are the same, and they are the ones who pass the deeds and all the time passes. They guard or kiss their relatives and turn them into wolfs and crickets. There is blood on the teeth and killing people is like snails. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early."
However, the “one-of-a-kind†to be said today refers to the door locks of your home or the locks of your company or office.
If you find yourself in a bad situation, have problems with your relationship and marriage, your career is declining, your finances are poor, your company’s prospects are bleak, the accounts you collect cannot be recovered, your employees have many conflicts, and you have a lot of people. Then Dr. Zheng Zhengzhong Please pay attention to the door lock of your home or your company office.
Perhaps a friend wonders: Why is the lock?
To put it this way, the feng shui is worth the most attention to the door, stove, bed; and the door is the first of them. For thousands of years, our ancestors have said this: “It is better to repair ten graves than to open a door.†This means that the fengshui of the yin house is related to the well-being of future generations, but the establishment and correction of the gate is more important than the yin house. The impact on future generations is even greater. Therefore, the responsibility for "hit the door" is even greater, and you can't afford it.
The door is so important, and the lock on the door is even more important. If you say that the door is "one husband," then the door lock is "eye." Dr. Cheng asked his friends to think that "eyes" are not good to make, then, this "when" can still be "in power"?
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