American scientists have developed a gel with excellent conductivity, which is simple and quick to produce and can be printed on the surface of other objects using an inkjet printer. Scientists said that this gel has a wide range of applications and can be used to make biosensors and biofuel cells. The research was published in the recently published "Journal of the National Academy of Sciences".
Professor Bao Zhenan, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Dr. Yu Guihua, Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Cui Yi, etc., manufactured by combining long-chain organic compound aniline with naturally occurring phytate in plant tissues. This kind of conductive hydrogel. The feel and biological behavior of the new gel is similar to biological tissue, but it can be as conductive as a metal or a semiconductor. They said that materials with this combination of features are expected to flex their muscles in the field of biosensors and next-generation energy storage devices.
Bao Zhenan said: "At present, there are some conductive polymers on the market, but they are all uniform thin films without any nanostructures." In contrast, the new gel uses phytate to hold six polymers at a time. Chains, creating a widely cross-linked network, eventually form a complex sponge-like structure.
Scientists said that the unusual structure of this gel gives it "unbelievable electrical properties." They explained that most hydrogels are bound together by a large number of insulating molecules, which will reduce their overall transmission capacity; but phytate is a "small molecule dopant", which means when it is the same When the polymer chains are linked together, it will lend to the polymer chain charge, and this effect makes the new hydrogel very highly conductive.
In addition, the new hydrogels have numerous small pores, which increases the surface area of ​​the gel, allowing it to capture more charge and react quickly to the charge applied to it. Therefore, like the biological tissue, the new gel has a large surface area and a strong electrical conductivity, which makes it very suitable as a "bridge" between biological systems and hardware.
Moreover, it is also very easy for people to manipulate the new gel because it will not freeze before it is synthesized, it can be printed or ejected like a liquid, and it will gel at the right time, which means that manufacturers can Complex electrodes are produced with lower costs.
Scientists believe that the new gel can be applied in many fields, from medical probes and laboratory biosensors to biofuel cells and high energy density capacitors. (Liu Xia)
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