What is nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is the energy released from the nucleus by transforming its mass, in accordance with Albert Einstein's equation E=mc^2; where E = energy, m = mass, c = speed of light constant. There are three main forms of nuclear energy release:

Nuclear power plant A. Nuclear fission energy

The so-called nuclear fission energy is the energy released by the fission of some heavy nuclei (such as uranium-235, uranium-238, thorium-239, etc.).

B. Nuclear fusion energy

A reaction in which two or more hydrogen nuclei (such as the isotope of hydrogen - helium and neon) combine to form a heavier nuclei, and a mass loss releases a large amount of energy, called a nuclear fusion reaction, and the energy released is called a nucleus. Fusion energy.

C. Nuclear decay

Nuclear decay is a naturally slower crack deformation that is difficult to exploit because of its slow energy release.

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